import sys; import binascii; import array; import csv, time, argparse; import datetime import os from random import randrange import random from GoodFETMCPCAN import GoodFETMCPCAN; from GoodFETMCPCANCommunication import GoodFETMCPCANCommunication from intelhex import IntelHex; import Queue import math tT = time class experiments(GoodFETMCPCANCommunication): """ This class provides methods for reverse-engineering the protocols on the CAN bus network via the GOODTHOPTER10 board, U{} """ def __init__(self, data_location = "../../contrib/ThayerData/"): """ Constructor @type data_location: string @param data_location: path to the folder where data will be stored """ GoodFETMCPCANCommunication.__init__(self, data_location) #super(experiments,self).__init(self) self.freq = 500; def filterStdSweep(self, freq, low, high, time = 5): """ This method will sweep through the range of standard ids given from low to high. This will actively filter for 6 ids at a time and sniff for the given amount of time in seconds. If at least one message is read in then it will go individually through the 6 ids and sniff only for that id for the given amount of time. This does not save any sniffed packets. @type freq: number @param freq: The frequency at which the bus is communicating @type low: integer @param low: The low end of the id sweep @type high: integer @param high: The high end of the id sweep @type time: number @param time: Sniff time for each trial. Default is 5 seconds @rtype: list of numbers @return: A list of all IDs found during the sweep. """ msgIDs = [] self.client.serInit() self.client.MCPsetup() for i in range(low, high+1, 6): print "sniffing id: %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d" % (i,i+1,i+2,i+3,i+4,i+5) comment= "sweepFilter: " #comment = "sweepFilter_%d_%d_%d_%d_%d_%d" % (i,i+1,i+2,i+3,i+4,i+5) description = "Running a sweep filer for all the possible standard IDs. This run filters for: %d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d" % (i,i+1,i+2,i+3,i+4,i+5) count = self.sniff(freq=freq, duration = time, description = description,comment = comment, standardid = [i, i+1, i+2, i+3, i+4, i+5]) if( count != 0): for j in range(i,i+5): comment = "sweepFilter: " #comment = "sweepFilter: %d" % (j) description = "Running a sweep filer for all the possible standard IDs. This run filters for: %d " % j count = self.sniff(freq=freq, duration = time, description = description,comment = comment, standardid = [j, j, j, j]) if( count != 0): msgIDs.append(j) return msgIDs def sweepRandom(self, freq, number = 5, time = 5): """ This method will choose random values to listen out of all the possible standard ids up to the given number. It will sniff for the given amount of time on each set of ids on the given frequency. Sniffs in groups of 6 but when at least one message is read in it will go through all six individually before continuing. This does not save any sniffed packets. @type freq: number @param freq: The frequency at which the bus is communicating @type number: integer @param number: High end of the possible ids. This will define a range from 0 to number that the ids will be chosen from @type time: number @param time: Sniff time for each trial. Default is 5 seconds @rtype: list of numbers, list of numbers @return: A list of all IDs found during the sweep and a list of all the IDs that were listened for throughout the test """ msgIDs = [] #standard IDs that we have observed during run ids = [] #standard IDs that have been tried self.client.serInit() self.client.MCPsetup() for i in range(0,number+1,6): idsTemp = [] comment = "sweepFilter: " for j in range(0,6,1): id = randrange(2047) #comment += "_%d" % id idsTemp.append(id) ids.append(id) #print comment description = "Running a sweep filer for all the possible standard IDs. This runs the following : " + comment count = self.sniff(freq=freq, duration=time, description=description, comment = comment, standardid = idsTemp) if( count != 0): for element in idsTemp: #comment = "sweepFilter: %d" % (element) comment="sweepFilter: " description = "Running a sweep filer for all the possible standard IDs. This run filters for: %d " % element count = self.sniff(freq=freq, duration = time, description = description,comment = comment, standardid = [element, element, element]) if( count != 0): msgIDs.append(j) return msgIDs, ids def rtrSweep(self,freq,lowID,highID, attempts = 1,duration = 1, verbose = True): """ This method will sweep through the range of ids given by lowID to highID and send a remote transmissions request (RTR) to each id and then listen for a response. The RTR will be repeated in the given number of attempts and will sniff for the given duration continuing to the next id. Any messages that are sniffed will be saved to a csv file. The filename will be stored in the DATA_LOCATION folder with a filename that is the date (YYYYMMDD)_rtr.csv. If the file already exists it will append to the end of the file The format will follow that of L{GoodFETMCPCANCommunication.sniff} in that the columns will be as follows: 1. timestamp: as floating point number 2. error boolean: 1 if there was an error detected of packet formatting (not exhaustive check). 0 otherwise 3. comment tag: comment about experiments as String 4. duration: Length of overall sniff 5. filtering: 1 if there was filtering. 0 otherwise 6. db0: Integer --- 7. db7: Integer @type freq: number @param freq: The frequency at which the bus is communicating @type lowID: integer @param lowID: The low end of the id sweep @type highID: integer @param highID: The high end of the id sweep @type attempts: integer @param attempts: The number of times a RTR will be repeated for a given standard id @type duration: integer @param duration: The length of time that it will listen to the bus after sending an RTR @type verbose: boolean @param verbose: When true, messages will be printed out to the terminal @rtype: None @return: Does not return anything """ #set up file for writing now = datestr = now.strftime("%Y%m%d") path = self.DATA_LOCATION+datestr+"_rtr.csv" filename = path outfile = open(filename,'a'); dataWriter = csv.writer(outfile,delimiter=','); dataWriter.writerow(['# Time Error Bytes 1-13']); dataWriter.writerow(['#' + "rtr sweep from %d to %d"%(lowID,highID)]) if( verbose): print "started" #self.client.serInit() #self.spitSetup(freq) #for each id for i in range(lowID,highID+1, 1): self.client.serInit() self.spitSetup(freq) #reset the chip to try and avoid serial timeouts #set filters standardid = [i, i, i, i] self.addFilter(standardid, verbose = True) #### split SID into different areas SIDlow = (standardid[0] & 0x07) << 5; # get SID bits 2:0, rotate them to bits 7:5 SIDhigh = (standardid[0] >> 3) & 0xFF; # get SID bits 10:3, rotate them to bits 7:0 #create RTR packet packet = [SIDhigh, SIDlow, 0x00,0x00,0x40] dataWriter.writerow(["#requested id %d"%i]) #self.client.poke8(0x2C,0x00); #clear the CANINTF register; we care about bits 0 and 1 (RXnIF flags) which indicate a message is being held #clear buffer packet1 = self.client.rxpacket(); packet2 = self.client.rxpacket(); #send in rtr request self.client.txpacket(packet) ## listen for 2 packets. one should be the rtr we requested the other should be ## a new packet response starttime = tT.time() while ((time.time() - starttime) < duration): #listen for the given duration time period packet = self.client.rxpacket() if( packet == None): continue # we have sniffed a packet, save it row = [] row.append("%f"%time.time()) #timestamp row.append(0) #error flag (not checkign) row.append("rtrRequest_%d"%i) #comment row.append(duration) #sniff time row.append(1) # filtering boolean for byte in packet: row.append("%02x"%ord(byte)); dataWriter.writerow(row) print self.client.packet2parsedstr(packet) trial= 2; # for each trial repeat while( trial <= attempts): print "trial: ", trial self.client.MCPrts(TXB0=True); starttime = time.time() # this time we will sniff for the given amount of time to see if there is a # time till the packets come in while( (time.time()-starttime) < duration): packet=self.client.rxpacket(); if( packet == None): continue row = [] row.append("%f"%time.time()) #timestamp row.append(0) #error flag (not checking) row.append("rtrRequest_%d"%i) #comment row.append(duration) #sniff time row.append(1) # filtering boolean for byte in packet: row.append("%02x"%ord(byte)); dataWriter.writerow(row) print self.client.packet2parsedstr(packet) trial += 1 print "sweep complete" outfile.close() # This method will do generation based fuzzing on the id given in standard id # dbLimits is a dictionary of the databytes # dbLimits['db0'] = [low, High] # .. # dbLimits['db7'] = [low, High] # where low is the low end of values for the fuzz, high is the high end value # period is the time between sending packets in milliseconds, writesPerFuzz is the times the # same fuzzed packet will be injecetez. Fuzzes is the number of different packets to be injected def generationFuzzer(self,freq, standardIDs, dbLimits, period, writesPerFuzz, Fuzzes): """ This method will perform generation based fuzzing on the bus. The method will inject properly formatted, randomly generated messages at a given period for a I{writesPerFuzz} number of times. The packets that are injected into the bus will all be saved in the following path DATALOCATION/InjectedData/(today's date (YYYYMMDD))_GenerationFuzzedPackets.csv. An example filename would be 20130222_GenerationFuzzedPackets.csv Where DATALOCATION is provided when the class is initiated. The data will be saved as integers. Each row will be formatted in the following form:: row = [time of injection, standardID, 8, db0, db1, db2, db3, db4, db5, db6, db7] @type freq: number @param freq: The frequency at which the bus is communicating @type standardIDs: list of integers @param standardIDs: List of standard IDs the user wishes to fuzz on. An ID will randomly be chosen with every new random packet generated. If only 1 ID is input in the list then it will only fuzz on that one ID. @type dbLimits: dictionary @param dbLimits: This is a dictionary that holds the limits of each bytes values. Each value in the dictionary will be a list containing the lowest possible value for the byte and the highest possible value. The form is shown below:: dbLimits['db0'] = [low, high] dbLimits['db1'] = [low, high] ... dbLimits['db7'] = [low, high] @type period: number @param period: The time gap between packet inejctions given in milliseconds @type writesPerFuzz: integer @param writesPerFuzz: This will be the number of times that each randomly generated packet will be injected onto the bus before a new packet is generated @type Fuzzes: integer @param Fuzzes: The number of packets to be generated and injected onto bus @rtype: None @return: This method does not return anything """ #print "Fuzzing on standard ID: %d" %standardId self.client.serInit() self.spitSetup(freq) packet = [0,0,0x00,0x00,0x08,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] #empty packet template #get folder information (based on today's date) now = datestr = now.strftime("%Y%m%d") path = self.DATA_LOCATION+"InjectedData/"+datestr+"_GenerationFuzzedPackets.csv" filename = path outfile = open(filename,'a'); dataWriter = csv.writer(outfile,delimiter=','); #dataWriter.writerow(['# Time Error Bytes 1-13']); #dataWriter.writerow(['#' + description]) numIds = len(standardIDs) fuzzNumber = 0; #: counts the number of packets we have generated while( fuzzNumber < Fuzzes): id_new = standardIDs[random.randint(0,numIds-1)] print id_new #### split SID into different regs SIDhigh = (id_new >> 3) & 0xFF; # get SID bits 10:3, rotate them to bits 7:0 SIDlow = (id_new & 0x07) << 5; # get SID bits 2:0, rotate them to bits 7:5 packet[0] = SIDhigh packet[1] = SIDlow #generate a fuzzed packet for i in range(0,8): # for each data byte, fuzz it idx = "db%d"%i limits = dbLimits[idx] value = random.randint(limits[0],limits[1]) #generate pseudo-random integer value packet[i+5] = value print packet #put a rough time stamp on the data and get all the data bytes row = [tT.time(), id_new,8] # could make this 8 a variable msg = "Injecting: " for i in range(5,13): row.append(packet[i]) msg += " %d"%packet[i] #print msg dataWriter.writerow(row) self.client.txpacket(packet) tT.sleep(period/1000) #inject the packet the given number of times. for i in range(1,writesPerFuzz): self.client.MCPrts(TXB0=True) tT.sleep(period/1000) fuzzNumber += 1 print "Fuzzing Complete" SIDhigh = (1056 >> 3) & 0xFF; # get SID bits 10:3, rotate them to bits 7:0 SIDlow = (1056 & 0x07) << 5; # get SID bits 2:0, rotate them to bits 7:5 packet = [SIDhigh, SIDlow, 0, 0, 8, 65, 255, 32, 120, 0, 0, 1, 247] self.client.txpacket(packet) for i in range(0,100): self.client.MCPrts(TXB0=True) tT.sleep(.01) outfile.close() def generalFuzz(self,freq, Fuzzes, period, writesPerFuzz): """ The method will inject properly formatted, randomly generated messages at a given period for a I{writesPerFuzz} number of times. A new random standard id will be chosen with each newly generated packet. IDs will be chosen from the full range of potential ids ranging from 0 to 4095. The packets that are injected into the bus will all be saved in the following path DATALOCATION/InjectedData/(today's date (YYYYMMDD))_GenerationFuzzedPackets.csv. An example filename would be 20130222_GenerationFuzzedPackets.csv Where DATALOCATION is provided when the class is initiated. The data will be saved as integers. Each row will be formatted in the following form:: row = [time of injection, standardID, 8, db0, db1, db2, db3, db4, db5, db6, db7] @type freq: number @param freq: The frequency at which the bus is communicating @type period: number @param period: The time gap between packet inejctions given in milliseconds @type writesPerFuzz: integer @param writesPerFuzz: This will be the number of times that each randomly generated packet will be injected onto the bus before a new packet is generated @type Fuzzes: integer @param Fuzzes: The number of packets to be generated and injected onto bus @rtype: None @return: This method does not return anything """ #print "Fuzzing on standard ID: %d" %standardId self.client.serInit() self.spitSetup(freq) packet = [0,0,0x00,0x00,0x08,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] #empty template #get folder information (based on today's date) now = datestr = now.strftime("%Y%m%d") path = self.DATA_LOCATION+"InjectedData/"+datestr+"_GenerationFuzzedPackets.csv" filename = path outfile = open(filename,'a'); dataWriter = csv.writer(outfile,delimiter=','); #dataWriter.writerow(['# Time Error Bytes 1-13']); #dataWriter.writerow(['#' + description]) fuzzNumber = 0; #: counts the number of packets we have generated while( fuzzNumber < Fuzzes): #generate new random standard id in the full range of possible values id_new = random.randint(0,4095) #print id_new #### split SID into different regs SIDhigh = (id_new >> 3) & 0xFF; # get SID bits 10:3, rotate them to bits 7:0 SIDlow = (id_new & 0x07) << 5; # get SID bits 2:0, rotate them to bits 7:5 packet[0] = SIDhigh packet[1] = SIDlow #generate a fuzzed packet for i in range(0,8): # for each data byte, fuzz it idx = "db%d"%i value = random.randint(0, 255) #generate pseudo-random integer value packet[i+5] = value #print packet #put a rough time stamp on the data and get all the data bytes row = [time.time(), id_new,8] """@todo: allow for varied packet lengths""" msg = "Injecting: " for i in range(5,13): row.append(packet[i]) msg += " %d"%packet[i] #print msg dataWriter.writerow(row) self.client.txpacket(packet) time.sleep(period/1000) #inject the packet the given number of times. for i in range(1,writesPerFuzz): self.client.MCPrts(TXB0=True) time.sleep(period/1000) fuzzNumber += 1 print "Fuzzing Complete" outfile.close() # assumes 8 byte packets def packetRespond(self,freq, time, repeats, period, responseID, respondPacket,listenID, listenPacket = None): """ This method will allow the user to listen for a specific packet and then respond with a given message. If no listening packet is included then the method will only listen for the id and respond with the specified packet when it receives a message from that id. This process will continue for the given amount of time (in seconds). and with each message received that matches the listenPacket and ID the transmit message will be sent the I{repeats} number of times at the specified I{period}. This message assumes a packet length of 8 for both messages, although the listenPacket can be None @type freq: number @param freq: Frequency of the CAN bus @type time: number @param time: Length of time to perform the packet listen/response in seconds. @type repeats: Integer @param repeats: The number of times the response packet will be injected onto the bus after the listening criteria has been met. @type period: number @param period: The time interval between messages being injected onto the CAN bus. This will be specified in milliseconds @type responseID: Integer @param responseID: The standard ID of the message that we want to inject @type respondPacket: List of integers @param respondPacket: The data we wish to inject into the bus. In the format where respondPacket[0] = databyte 0 ... respondPacket[7] = databyte 7 This assumes a packet length of 8. @type listenID: Integer @param listenID: The standard ID of the messages that we are listening for. When we read the correct message from this ID off of the bus, the method will begin re-injecting the responsePacket on the responseID @type listenPacket: List of Integers @param listenPacket: The data we wish to listen for before we inject packets. This will be a list of the databytes, stored as integers such that listenPacket[0] = data byte 0, ..., listenPacket[7] = databyte 7. This assumes a packet length of 8. This input can be None and this will lead to the program only listening for the standardID and injecting the response as soon as any message from that ID is given """ self.client.serInit() self.spitSetup(freq) #formulate response packet SIDhigh = (responseID >> 3) & 0xFF; # get SID bits 10:3, rotate them to bits 7:0 SIDlow = (responseID & 0x07) << 5; # get SID bits 2:0, rotate them to bits 7:5 #resPacket[0] = SIDhigh #resPacket[1] = SIDlow resPacket = [SIDhigh, SIDlow, 0x00,0x00, # pad out EID regs 0x08, # bit 6 must be set to 0 for data frame (1 for RTR) # lower nibble is DLC respondPacket[0],respondPacket[1],respondPacket[2],respondPacket[3],respondPacket[4],respondPacket[5],respondPacket[6],respondPacket[7]] #load packet/send once """@todo: make this only load the data onto the chip and not send """ self.client.txpacket(resPacket) self.addFilter([listenID,listenID,listenID,listenID, listenID, listenID]) #listen only for this packet startTime = tT.time() packet = None while( (tT.time() - startTime) < time): packet = self.client.rxpacket() if( packet != None): print "packet read in, responding now" # assume the ids already match since we are filtering for the id #compare packet received to desired packet if( listenPacket == None): # no packets given, just want the id for i in range(0,repeats): self.client.MCPrts(TXB0=True) tT.sleep(period/1000) else: #compare packets sid = ord(packet[0])<<3 | ord(packet[1])>>5 print "standard id of packet recieved: ", sid #standard ID msg = "" for i in range(0,8): idx = 5 + i byteIn = ord(packet[idx]) msg += " %d" %byteIn compareIn = listenPacket[i] print byteIn, compareIn if( byteIn != compareIn): packet == None print "packet did not match" break print msg if( packet != None ): self.client.MCPrts(TXB0=True) tT.sleep(period/1000) print "Response Listening Terminated." # def generationFuzzRandomID(self, freq, standardIDs, dbLimits, period, writesPerFuzz, Fuzzes): # print "Fuzzing on standard ID: %d" %standardId # self.client.serInit() # self.spitSetup(freq) # packetTemp = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] # #form a basic packet # # #### split SID into different regs # SIDlow = (standardId & 0x07) << 5; # get SID bits 2:0, rotate them to bits 7:5 # SIDhigh = (standardId >> 3) & 0xFF; # get SID bits 10:3, rotate them to bits 7:0 # # packet = [SIDhigh, SIDlow, 0x00,0x00, # pad out EID regs # 0x08, # bit 6 must be set to 0 for data frame (1 for RTR) # # lower nibble is DLC # packetTemp[0],packetTemp[1],packetTemp[2],packetTemp[3],packetTemp[4],packetTemp[5],packetTemp[6],packetTemp[7]] # # # #get folder information (based on today's date) # now = # datestr = now.strftime("%Y%m%d") # path = self.DATA_LOCATION+"InjectedData/"+datestr+"_GenerationFuzzedPackets.csv" # filename = path # outfile = open(filename,'a'); # dataWriter = csv.writer(outfile,delimiter=','); # #dataWriter.writerow(['# Time Error Bytes 1-13']); # #dataWriter.writerow(['#' + description]) # # numIds = len(standardIDs) # fuzzNumber = 0; # while( fuzzNumber < Fuzzes): # id_new = standsardIDs[random.randint(0,numIds-1)] # #### split SID into different regs # SIDlow = (id_new & 0x07) << 5; # get SID bits 2:0, rotate them to bits 7:5 # SIDhigh = (id_new >> 3) & 0xFF; # get SID bits 10:3, rotate them to bits 7:0 # packet[0] = SIDhigh # packet[1] = SIDlow # # #generate a fuzzed packet # for i in range(0,8): # for each databyte, fuzz it # idx = "db%d"%i # limits = dbLimits[idx] # value = random.randint(limits[0],limits[1]) #generate pseudo-random integer value # packet[i+5] = value # # #put a rough time stamp on the data and get all the data bytes # row = [time.time(), standardId,8] # msg = "Injecting: " # for i in range(5,13): # row.append(packet[i]) # msg += " %d"%packet[i] # #print msg # dataWriter.writerow(row) # self.client.txpacket(packet) # #inject the packet repeatily # for i in range(1,writesPerFuzz): # self.client.MCPrts(TXB0=True) # time.sleep(period/1000) # fuzzNumber += 1 # print "Fuzzing Complete" # outfile.close()